
June 20th, 2005: Whew, it seems life for me has been busier than ever. I have been traveling so much lately that I have a hard time catching up when I return home. I have always loved traveling though. I feel it reveals so much about who we are as people . We have to learn to adjust to different people, schedules and surroundings. I have often said that I think my true personality comes out when I travel. You see, I normally go on excursions alone. I get on and off airplanes or out of my car and the person that people see is just another stranger connecting with the human race. I realize then that I have a choice to make. I can either be an irritated, stressed out trekker or a pleasant example of the peace of our Lord. Sometimes it's easier to be chaotic but then the trip is no fun for me or anyone around me.

When I read about Jesus and the character He had and the patience He possessed I fall in love with Him all the more. He never seemed to lose His cool when people pressed into Him or when others took advantage of Him. Now, as a Christian isn't that the example I am supposed to follow? Yes, of course it is but… that is easier said at times than to do. Years ago when I first began to travel to churches across the United States I noticed that I was getting to be a person that didn't look strangers in the eyes. I was quick to get my stuff done and ignored the others around me and the problems that maybe they were facing. One day I said enough! I didn't want to be that kind of stranger to those who were just trying to get somewhere just like I was. I wanted to enjoy these blessed adventures that I was fortunate to get to go on.

Lately I have finally been reading "The Purpose Driven Life". One thing in this book that is abundantly clear to me is the fact that it's not all about ME. It, my life, is all about Jesus and what He has put me here to do to fulfill His plan for my life. I find knowing this fact keeps me sane when the planes are late or I get lost in my car going to an event. I trust that the Lord has a reason for these irritations and try to relax. As I wrote earlier, when we travel I feel our true personalities come out. It's like a picture of a life. I want people that have no idea who in the world I am to see a person that is filled with love, joy, peace and strength just in case they ask me why I seem so calm. What a great way to share with others about our Lord. My prayer for you as we start this wonderful summer season is that if you are traveling to some great location that the person strangers see as you strive to reach your destination is a person of pure joy and love. I pray this for myself also. As I wrote earlier, this is sometimes easier said than done. But one thing I have to correct about something I wrote earlier is when I wrote that I normally travel alone. I never really travel alone. None of us do.


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